Tuesday, June 5, 2007

thingy 23

I'm done! I'm really done!
Just took forever. I can't say that I have any favorite discoveries or exercises. Perhaps when I'm no longer working full time and have more than just dial up service at home, I'll have more time to play around with this stuff.
Working through this process showed me what I don't know. I'm always open to new stuff. Some of this astounds me, though. I can't believe that people spend time on this on a regular basis.
I was surprised by what's out there that was entirely new to me. I had no idea that most of this exists. That was a learning curve that I had to climb.

If I went through this process again, I'd do my part differently. Had I started by titling the blog posts with the number of the thingy, perhaps I wouldn't have gotten so lost. I had a difficult time trying to figure out which ones I had done and which were still to be done. Once I began naming them, it was somewhat easier to follow the path.
Getting into my blog in the beginning was another set back. I'd complete a thingy but then be unable to post it to my blog. Wasted effort. So some of these thingy's I've done more than once. I can't say that it made me like them any better.

It was a disappointment to me that I thought I had completed some of the thingy's and then, because I hadn't posted them to the log properly, my log was wiped out. That wasn't pleasant. Perhaps warning people that they were in error before wiping out the log would have been more helpful. I would have learned quickly and reposted to the log if someone had let me know that what I was doing was incorrect. As it happened, I had to go back and figure out which ones I had completed and repost to the log. Not an easy process and much added frustration.

I know that some people requested that we be given all the thingy's at one time in the beginning. I'm not sure that would have been helpful to me. Might have been overwhelming. Although I would have probably completed those that I was more interested in first.

Perhaps a list could have been created in the beginning and, each week when we were given a new thingy, it could have been added to the list. Week six we would have been able to see one through 6. Just like the list at the end when we could see all 23. I had much more luck traversing through the thingy's when they were all visible to me in a list.

I would take part in another program like this one. But, gee whiz, don't tell me that there are 23 more "thingy's" that I know nothing about and have to learn about???

thingy 17 wiki

I followed the directions and added an account to PLCMC Learning 2.0 wiki. Added my blog to the list of LCPL blogs. And I added to the "favorite travel sites" or whatever it's called.

thingy 13 del.icio.us

This one lost me as soon as I looked at the page. Couldn't figure out how to open the tutorial. And Learning 2.0 says, "Take a look around ... using the L2LCPL account." I couldn't figure out how to do that. It asks for a user name and password. Is L2LCPL the user name? Is so what is the password?

Anyway, if this is indeed a way to keep track of, say, all the books that I read, or all the books that I'd like to read, it might serve a purpose.

thingy 12

I can see that some might use this but don't know whether I'll actually do it.


thingy 10

Image generators.
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm just doing this to complete the task. Can't see me using image generators.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Thingy 9 Finding Feeds

Sorry, but I don't get this one. I guess I'm not doing it right but I didn't see anything that I'd want to add to My Yahoo page.
But I did another Thingy!

Thingy 11 Library thing

I'll admit that I'm rushing through this one. Have listed some of the stuff that I have currently checked out on my library card. How easy is that?
Haven't even thought about the stuff that I have at home.


Friday, March 30, 2007

thingy 21 podcasts

Looked around Yahoo to find podcasts of interest but didn't stumble into anything. Will try again. I was surprised at the old stuff; stuff from 2006. I guess if you're looking for humor it doesn't matter if it's a year old, tho.

thingy 22 net library

I was able to set up my account in net library and did browse the titles. Didn't see one that I'd want to "read" but maybe when I have my MP3 I'll see something that I'll download.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Thingy 7 Technology

What better day to blog about technology than today when Horizon and wireless are down. And a borrower reports that Comcast is down. A pox on all technology.

I don't really mean it. What would LCPL do without Horizon? I don't want to go back to what I call punch cards. And the little metal strip attached to borrowers' library cards. On occasion I still find one of the old punch cards in a book on our shelves. Right now I have Beowulf's card hanging on the wall at my desk. It was last checked out (according to the punch card) in September of 85 and the due date is 9/30/85, checked out by borrower number S 15528. (That's "S" for Sterling, right?) And what's interesting is that the borrower's number is hand written on the card. Hum, something was malfunctioning on that day too.

Waaaay back when I worked at Giant as a cashier we had cranks that we'd use when the power failed. The crank went into the side of the cash register and the cashier would crank it one revolution for every grocery item after we punched in the price. There are times, when Horizon is running slowly, that I'd give money for a crank to speed Horizon along!

I'm looking forward to finishing the 23 things so I can earn my MP3 player. Suppose I'll be able to figure out how to use it? Sure. I will have learned so much via Learning 2.0 by then that downloading songs to it will be a breeze.

thingy 6

Here's my trading card.
Another thingy bites the dust.

thingy 16

I checked out all the samples of wiki on thingy 15. One of the library's wikis had reader's reviews. That might be useful to me if I were looking something new to read.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

thingy 15

Another one bites the dust. Thingy, that is.
I agree that libraries have to be careful not to embrace new technology just because it's there. LCPL has, in the past, tried new technology hoping that it would be beneficial to our borrowers. But, oops, it was ungainly and not useful and we ended up not keeping it. Lesson learned.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rob and David during remodel of their house.
Grandkids during remodeling of their house.

Thingy 5 Orange Sunset Over the Ocean

Orange Sunset Over the Ocean
Originally uploaded by ception.

One of my favorite places...
Outer Banks, NC

from Flickr

Thingy 20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA3_bWomkTM

Here's my nephew-in-law, Will Debley, an Elvis tribute artist, directly from YouTube.
Please be sure that you say "Elvis Tribute Artist" and not Elvis impersonator.
I've played around with YouTube and like it to find the old TV shows from the 60's and before.

I guess it's fairly obvious why I choose this video. I've never seen Will perform Elvis. But he is a super vocalist.

Apparently he is making some money performing as Elvis and has had gigs in the Maryland suburbs. Has also attended (and done well at) competitions in Memphis and somewhere in Canada.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Thingy 14

Libraries, they are a changing. But don't forget about the generation that grew up when libraries meant a building with a door and books on the shelves. Those people will still be with us for some time. And they might go kicking and screaming into the next generation of libraries.
It hasn't been too long ago that we have had a borrower ask where our "card catalog" was.
And she wasn't happy when we told her that our "card catalog" was on the computer.

So much information and so many ways to access it. Libraries should find a way to make everyone comfortable with the new information and new ways.

I guess we have to lead them as they kick and scream.

Here are the youngest Cunninghams.
Now I've got it! I just have to go backwards through the thingys. Did 2 in 2 days. That's progress for me.
I can see the that Zoho Writer would be useful for someone who doesn't have access to a laptop and wireless.
But... another login and password to remember.


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

thingy 19

Yep, I'm floating around in Thingy world. Decided to try 19 and found some sites/things I like. Maybe I like them because I've used them before.
I do like Zillow. Satisfies all kinds of noseyness. Is that a word? It's very useful to look up addresses and see values of real estate and even satellite views of the property. Very interesting.
Tried one, Wayfaring? Don't get it. Thought it was going to be like Mapquest or something. It's not. It's bloggers creating maps of where they've been. I guess that might be interesting to some.
Anyway, at least I've taken care of a Thingy. Now I have to go back and see what I've missed.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

thingy 8

Wow, I've gotten to thingy 8 with help, of course.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

learning habits

Thought that I should go back and talk about my learning habits, such as they are. I'm using #2, accepting responsibility for my learning by taking a Spanish class with Lo Cty adult ed. Finished the basic and learned that this will be a long process. Am signed up for the "business Spanish" next.

Am using #5, creating a toolbox by using all the library material available, audios, books on CD and dvd's. Trying to immerse myself in Spanish. Once again, much I don't know. It's going to take more than two 10 week adult ed classes but at least I've started.

Spanish instructor from Basic Spanish suggested using feature film dvd's in Spanish with English subtitles. That's next on my list.

At some point I would like to be able to at least converse with borrowers and make myself understood. Understanding Spanish speaking borrowers on an elemental level is also a goal.

One of CAS's great aides found a site with a list of library jargon in Spanish. Wouldn't you know that simple stuff like 'checkin' and 'checkout' were not on this list.